Mr.Prasada Pyala is originally from Farmer’s family with no financial back ground, but his parents motivated him towards education and his hard work transformed his life.He received his basic education in the village and subsequently he completed his B-Tech from Baptala Engineering college, Nagarjuna University. Right from his schooling he helped many people in various areas by knowledge sharing, while he was perusing his career in Bangalore he helped many for upgrading their skill set and help to get jobs. After Prasada Pyala moved to USA and achieved top positions in various big companies like SAP, he wanted to take his childhood initiates to the next level by paying back to the country and the people, this lead him to start Paila Foundation with pure motives of helping needy people. Married Sridevi Pyala from Deverapalli, Madugula constituency, where she is from strong political background, during his frequent visits to in-laws place, interacted and learned from relatives, local people and political leaders and came to know that there is need of rural education and upliftment of youth employment. Later many people from where he started his philantrafic activities requested him get into politics where he can help many than an individual foundation activities.
Empowerment of Youth
Prasada always believe that rural Youth empowerment is an attitudinal, structural, and cultural process whereby young people gain the ability, authority, and agency to make decisions and implement change in their own lives and the lives of other people, including youth and adults.
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